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4 common signs that lead to elevator failures

Elevators are exposed to malfunctions or defects in some spare parts, and here shows the importance of periodic maintenance, as it has been proven through studies that commitment to elevator maintenance protects against damage to spare parts and equipment for the machine, and it saves energy consumption by 15%, so maintenance of elevators is a matter Worthwhile.


What should you do if you are stuck in an elevator?

The idea of ​​being stuck in a broken elevator is so stressful, many people can panic with claustrophobia or become anxious or angry at the delay. Here are some safety tips if you get stuck in an elevator . What do you do if you get stuck in an elevator? Stay calm - getting stuck in an elevator can be nerve-wracking. Depending on the number of people in the elevator, it will start to get warm if everyone is breathing hard in a panic, which will only increase the discomfort and nervousness, so do your best to stay calm and try to keep the others in the elevator calm ...